

Our Story

How We Met

        It was not long after 8 am on July 3rd, 2009, when I received a phone call from my boss.   She called me bright and early to tell me that I needed to look really good at the wedding we were coordinating that night because she had seen the best man at the rehearsal the night before and he was “so hot.”  I assumed that we had much different definitions of "so hot" and expected to disagree.  Shortly after arriving at the wedding and beginning to setup, I stepped inside to cool off and do some work in there, when I first met Seth.  He was sitting at the table with his mother and I asked them where the trash was.  I was actually kind of nervous as I knew it was him instantly because of the description Kathie gave me, “long hair and romantic eyes.”  We had a few brief words before he left to get ready for the wedding.   I continued preparing the ceremony site until he had called the house and explained that he needed to somehow get the groom's truck from where they were to the hotel and get back to the house.  Kathie quickly volunteered me for the job and handed me the phone to give him my number to call when he was ready.  Not long after, I drove over to meet him.
Once he dropped off the truck I had the privilege of driving him back to the house.  I was pretty nervous during the entire car ride.  We started talking and quickly realized that there was a little difference in our ages (7 years) and he was living in California and I was living in Texas.  Despite that, we seemed to get along well.  Once we arrived at the house I realized that I may need to parallel park since there were so many cars already parked along the side of the street.  As I mentioned earlier, I was already nervous and trying to parallel park was just not working for me.  Seth gave me a hard time about it and I have yet to live it down.  As the night progressed we had a few other encounters, but that was it.  
I received a text message on the following day from Seth asking if I would like to hang out before he left town.  I told him to call me the next day and we could figure something out.  At 10 am the next day, I received another text message asking if we would still be able to get together and I agreed to meet up with him that evening.  We met up at Barnes and Noble at 9P.M. and ended up hanging out and talking until around 2 A.M. when the parking lot security realized we were sitting in my car and kicked us out.   
He had to return to California the next day and we did not speak again until he called me about 3 weeks later.  We began emailing and calling each other on a regular basis for the next couple of months.  In September, we decided that I should take a trip out there for our second date.  Crazily, I booked a flight to go see him for 5 days in the beginning of October.  We were both extremely nervous, but things went amazing.  
        I returned back to Lubbock and bawled my eyes out as I was so sad to leave, which soon became a common occurrence.  Fortunately it was only 3 weeks until I was going to see him again when we both returned to Austin for Thanksgiving.  
       We traveled back and forth for a combined total of  around 20 flights in the last 3 1/2 years and have managed to see each other about every 6 weeks.  Although the distance was hard, we probably talked more than anyone in the same city and were able to get to know each other that much more.  Communication was really all we had most of the time and we took full advantage of it.   
         Seth has taught me so much and makes me so happy.  I love that we share so many of the same interests.  We both enjoy movies, staying in, anything creative, good food, taking naps, college football, good music, cooking, being active, Austin, and each other.  
       As of February 4th, 2013 (4 months after our wedding), we are FINALLY in the same city!  I can't wait to share all of our experiences and new adventures.

My Dream Wedding… and engagement….In 3 weeks
        Like they say, life is what happens while you're busy making plans.   As a wedding planner, I have always dreamed about my own wedding and knew exactly what I wanted and didn't want for my wedding.
On August 17, 2012,  my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  She was given 3-4months to live.  The cancer had already spread to her other lung and to her lymph nodes.  I begged her to get a 2nd opinion, get a biopsy, and meet with an oncologist and she agreed.  After the biopsy and meeting with the oncologist we found out that Chemo would only give her maybe an additional 6 months, but would most likely make her miserable.  She wanted more than anything just to live her last few months comfortably and with her family so we had to respect her wishes.  Thankfully she was mostly pain free and able to stay home and I was able to be with her every single day.  She was such a strong person.
After finding out about her cancer, I knew that I couldn't imagine not having her at my wedding.  Seth came into town during the 2nd week of September and I decided I needed to talk to him about it.  We had never really talked about marriage.  We both knew we wanted to be together and it was kind of an unspoken understanding.  I wanted to have no idea when he was going to propose, but I assumed it would be sometime in late 2013.  
The Engagement
On September 12th, I decided to ask Seth his thoughts about getting married while my mom was still here and able to be part of it.   He had already been thinking about it and didn't know if he asked me if it would seem like this was the only reason he was asking.  He had already gotten his great grandfather's ring out of the safe deposit box before he saw me and brought it to brunch with our mothers that weekend.  We decided we were going to do it.  
At brunch on Saturday, with our mothers, Seth pulled out his great grandfather's ring and told me he got it out before our conversation and wanted to go to the jewelry store and let me pick out a setting.  It was such an amazing experience.  I never thought I wanted to know anything about my proposal, but now I cannot imagine not getting to pick the ring and not having my mom there to be part of it.  The diamond from his great grandfather's ring is a 1.52 Carat diamond, over 120 years old and it is an old miner's cut, which they no longer make.  Seth and I both are so into vintage things and history so that makes the ring even more special.  We then had his great grandfather's wedding band melted and made into Seth's wedding ring- so we both have a piece of the same ring.  
The Planning
Seth left town on September 16th and left me in charge of planning a wedding for October 6th.  That was the date that would work for both of our schedules and with our family's schedules.  We both thought we wanted a big wedding, but planning a 3 week wedding didn't really allow for that.  We decided to go with a very intimate wedding with only our immediate family- still 60 people, but only family.  We were lucky enough to find a beautiful wedding venue that was not booked (which is near impossible on a Saturday in October in Austin).  I went wedding dress shopping the day after Seth left and bought a dress off the floor the following day….the dress of my dreams and my mom and mother in law both got to be there!  It was about 4 sizes too big so I had to immediately rush to alterations and did not get it back until 2 days before the wedding, but it was amazing.  I had all of my awesome friends/wedding vendors that really came together and helped me iron out all of the details for the big day.  After the wedding, we decided we couldn't imagine having a bigger wedding and we loved the fact that we had a brunch wedding.  

The Wedding
I had a perfect wedding.  So many weddings I have been to and coordinated ended up being such a huge production that I feel the ceremony and actual meaning got lost.  Our ceremony was so deep and meaningful that you couldn't help but cry.  We chose to write our own vows (of course) and there was not a dry eye in the room.  I never truly understood how my former brides were so emotional before walking down the aisle before our wedding… I was a mess.  It was such an amazing feeling.  I knew after our 2nd date that Seth was the man I wanted to marry.  We had an great brunch and got to spend our special day with the people who meant the most to us.

My Husband
         My husband Seth is incredible.  He is the smartest, most talented, most passionate, and most loving man I've ever met.  He has taught me so much.  Seth is a brilliant writer.  He moved to LA when he was 20 to pursue his dream of writing that he has had since he was 7.  Seth is currently writing/directing/producing some of his own short films and still working on his big break…which we know will come.  He is the most determined and hard working person.  

 If you would like to check out some of his work here are some links: 
         There are a few other shorts in production so I will keep you posted with updates.  He is also a fantastic artist.  You name it, he's good at it.  Watercolor, oil painting, drawing, photography.  He is also a genius in the kitchen…knows his way around better than I do. 

Sweet Cowboy is my husband's dog, but he's MINE now :) Cowboy is seriously the cutest,best puppy ever.  He is 3 years old and such a good dog.  He is an English Bulldog, but not the big slobbery kind.  He is the perfect size- 33lbs.  and only slobbers when he drinks.  He does snore, but it is something you grow to love.  He always has to rest his head on something and loves cuddling.  We love him and he is the only child we will have for a long time…hopefully!

My Amazing Mother
On December 7th, 2012 we lost my mother to lung cancer.   I got to be with her during her last few hours (and almost every day after she was diagnosed on August 17th) and I am so thankful for that.  This whole tragedy made me realize how everything happens for a reason…  After graduating from college, I decided to come back home and live with my parents while I was getting my life started and knew I would eventually be moving to California.  While living at home after college is not something you really look forward to or are proud of, I am so grateful I was able to spend the last 2 1/2 years with my mom that I wouldn't have gotten to do otherwise.  I learned so much from my mother and each day I realize more similarities between the two of us.   I am thankful I got her independence and strength.  She was also the most kind and honest person I have ever met.  I don't know if she ever told a lie.  I am really trying to remember her kindness and hope that I leave the same impression on people.  I miss her so much and I think about her everyday.  I know that I will never stop missing her and no time would've ever been enough.  I love her so much!

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