

Monday, January 28, 2013

Family Time

         This weekend was all about spending time with my family before I left for LA.  I honestly never imagined I would live outside of Texas, but I am so excited!  On Saturday, I went to my little brother's new house for a housewarming party.  I am so proud of him!  He is 22 years old and just purchased his 1st home!  He has a beautiful little girl (Hailey) who will be 5 soon and he is a great father.  

It was so nice to be able to hang out with them before I leave. 

            On Sunday, I drove out to Pipe Creek, right outside of Bandera, Tx to visit my dad.  He moved out there last year and has become quite the country boy.  He is living on about 20 acres and has probably 20 chickens, 2-3 roosters, 8 ducks, 2 mini donkeys, a cat, and a dog.  It was so funny to see.  He took me all around the town, which was exactly what I had imagined it would be…quaint.   I had a lot of fun and got to take some cool pictures.  It made me pretty sad to think that I will never see the country landscape and experience the farm life in Los Angeles.  It will be a nice change of pace to come home.

With Love,

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bye Bye Bakery

         This week has been quite testing at the bakery.  I truly think all of the customers are being so ridiculous just because next Friday will be my last day!  I don't get some people.  I really feel like it is one of my purposes in life to teach people that the world does not revolve around them.  We have SO many customers that call the day or day before they are wanting a beautiful cake and expect us to be able to do it.  We always ask for a week to 10 days notice, but there are some people who cannot seem to understand that.  The really funny thing is that many of the wedding planners and coordinators are the worst about this.  They pretty much NEVER plan ahead.  Really??  You coordinate other people's events, but you can't order a cake for your child a week before?  I don't get it.  
        Anyway,  tonight I got to go to dinner with all of the staff at the bakery and the invitations company girls and it was a blast.  We went to Olive and June in Austin, which was AWESOME!  The food was so good.  Really small portions and reallllly small drinks, but good.  I had spare rib ravioli and an apple tart and cleaned my plates.
I am going to miss everyone so much.  I have been working at the bakery for a year and a half and have loved it.  Everyone there is so fun to work with and it's just a great work environment.  I really hope I can find something great in LA. 

Here are some pictures from dinner :) 

Love y'all!

With Love,

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Only in Texas

       Today was a little stressful.  Had to finish packing all of my boxes and get the remainder of them over to my in-laws.  Ew.  Broke 3 nails. My wedding ring broke skin on my finger after I caught my finger between a box and a door (the one bad thing about have a huge diamond filled ring : P).  But….it's DONE!  Now I will just have to pack my suitcases within the next 2 weeks.  Easy enough.  
After I finished with the moving madness, I got to hang out with my brother and family the rest of the day which was fun.  It's sad to think that I won't get to see them as often anymore and watch my niece grow up :(  She will be 5 in March and I can't believe it!  

 Mini Donkeys at my dad's house....
I also had to make my very last wedding cake delivery (hopefully!) .  It is quite nerve racking delivering wedding cakes especially to a venue with bumpy roads and hills.  Anyway,  while I was on my way to the delivery, I came across a lady riding her horse on the road and had to stop and back up to make room for them to trot by.  Too funny.  It's moments like this that make me realize how much I'm going to miss this city and Texas in general.  I can pretty much guarantee that I will not see people riding their horses down the streets of Los Angeles.  This moment made me think back about other random livestock I have come across during my travels in Texas… Many many cows blocking the streets, police riding horses down 6th street,  Peacocks in the road,  Armadillos and raccoons, and too many deer in the middle of the road to count.  Haha it's hard to imagine not seeing these things on the daily.

With Love,

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Prepping for the Big Move

Today was a crazy busy day.  I got to meet up with my friend Stacie for lunch… finally!  She and I have been friends since 7th grade and were cheerleaders together in middle school and high school.  She's a great friend and a lot of fun, we don't get to hang out as often as we'd like, but it's always a good time.  After seeing her, I met up with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law to do a little shopping and then we met up with the other ladies in the family for happy hour to celebrate Gregory's (Seth's cousin) new position as the President of the Junior League of Austin.  I love my in-laws, they are awesome1   I can't imagine marrying someone and disliking their family… I think I lucked out.  After happy hour, I came back home to pack some more of my JUNK.  Oh, how I cannot wait to unpack (ew).

When I got home I had a super sweet card from my assistant Amy.  She also lost her mom to cancer a few years ago and shared a poem with me that someone had sent her.  So sweet.  Thanks Amy!

Here it is:
"When I am gone, release me, let me go, 
I have so many things to do and see.
You must not tie yourself to me with tears. 
Be happy that we had so many beautiful years.
I gave you my love, you can only guess how much you gave me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you each have shown.
But now it's time I travel alone. 
So grieve awhile, for if grieve you must --
then let your grief be comforted by trust.
It's only for a while that we must part--
So bless the memories within your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on.
So if you need me, call me and I will come.
Though you cannot see or touch me -- I'll be near.
And then, when you must come this way alone,
I'll greet you and say "Welcome Home."

Tomorrow I will be going over to my in-law's house (waking up at 8am on a Sunday…)to finish packing and bring more stuff over to get ready to move.  I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left in Austin….so WEIRD.

With Love,