

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Only in Texas

       Today was a little stressful.  Had to finish packing all of my boxes and get the remainder of them over to my in-laws.  Ew.  Broke 3 nails. My wedding ring broke skin on my finger after I caught my finger between a box and a door (the one bad thing about have a huge diamond filled ring : P).  But….it's DONE!  Now I will just have to pack my suitcases within the next 2 weeks.  Easy enough.  
After I finished with the moving madness, I got to hang out with my brother and family the rest of the day which was fun.  It's sad to think that I won't get to see them as often anymore and watch my niece grow up :(  She will be 5 in March and I can't believe it!  

 Mini Donkeys at my dad's house....
I also had to make my very last wedding cake delivery (hopefully!) .  It is quite nerve racking delivering wedding cakes especially to a venue with bumpy roads and hills.  Anyway,  while I was on my way to the delivery, I came across a lady riding her horse on the road and had to stop and back up to make room for them to trot by.  Too funny.  It's moments like this that make me realize how much I'm going to miss this city and Texas in general.  I can pretty much guarantee that I will not see people riding their horses down the streets of Los Angeles.  This moment made me think back about other random livestock I have come across during my travels in Texas… Many many cows blocking the streets, police riding horses down 6th street,  Peacocks in the road,  Armadillos and raccoons, and too many deer in the middle of the road to count.  Haha it's hard to imagine not seeing these things on the daily.

With Love,

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