

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Very Venice Weekend

Hi y'all!  Well, I've been back in California since last Tuesday and we've been busy, busy.  On Wednesday, I got to watch Seth hold auditions for a short film he is shooting in a few weeks.  That was fun!  It is really interesting to watch actors/actresses behind the scenes and auditioning (the very few times I have gotten to).  It's surprising that some of them think so highly of themselves--especially at this level.  Being out here you do start to realize how many people are out here trying to make it big.  The odds have to be horrible.

Anyway,  we just went to The Magic Castle in Hollywood Friday night.  It was a lot of fun!  It is an exclusive club of magicians and to get in you either have to be a member, or get on a member's list.  We were lucky enough to meet a magician when I first moved out here, and he offered to put us on his list on a night he was performing.  It is an old castle-looking building on the top of a hill and you can go watch magicians perform throughout the night.  We got to catch 3 shows and we really enjoyed them.  If you ever get the opportunity to go I would recommend it!   It's crazy some of the stuff they do, I can't wrap my head around how it is done.  We happened to go on the night that David & Dania from America's Got Talent was performing and we really enjoyed their show.

Sorry the picture sucks, they have a really strict picture and video rule...

Saturday we spent the day hanging out in Venice.  It was a beautiful day and so much fun!  We went shopping/browsing on Abbot Kinney (GQ named, "The Coolest Neighborhood in America") which is just a few blocks from us.  I have recently become obsessed with succulents and was so inspired walking down Abbot Kinney to start growing some as well as start gardening.  Check out some of the pictures!

                             These are beautiful cake stands in one of the fun little shops.

 Here are some pictures at one of the pop-up shops on Abbot Kinney.  They had all kinds of gardening goodies.

We just finished our guest room headboard and made progress on our collage picture wall so I will be posting those pictures soon.  I also started a really pretty doily runner I will post pics of!

Have a great week!

With Love,

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