

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Farewell Friends and Belongings

      After today, there is no turning back!  All of my stuff was packed into the UHAUL and Seth's dad's friends left with it, towing my car behind.  So exciting!!  It's real… They are planning on being in Los Angeles by Monday, which will also be the day I arrive!  I ended up with 45 boxes total…which includes about 20 boxes of just wedding gifts.  I am so anxious to be unpacked and settled in.  We will see how long that takes me!

      Tonight I got to have dinner with most of my friends that I have known since childhood.  It was such a great time catching up and getting to see everyone before I left.  It's still hard to believe we will be so far away.  We went to a local hole in the well mexican restaurant that we basically ate at weekly throughout high school.  

      I will miss them and hope I will have some visitors out here soon!!

With Love,

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